From 20th to 22nd of September 2024, people around the world will go out to explore their local rivers, hosting the fourth Home River Bioblitz. During its fourth edition, over 1000 people collected biodiversity data around more than 70 rivers, using iNaturalist.
We invite you to organize your own local Home River Bioblitz. To help you do so, and to help you communicate the story and results of your event to a wide audience, we will support you with various workshops.
A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record a wide variety of species on a specific location within a certain timeframe. Bioblitzes are a way to connect people to their environments, zooming in to details they normally pass by and at the same time generating useful data for science and conservation.
The Home River Bioblitz focuses on the biodiversity in and around rivers, which are at the heart of all ecosystems. The event connects the stories of the people that protect, restore and celebrate these valuable places. Take a look at this video to learn more!
During the Home River Bioblitz, we go out to explore our local rivers together with peers, friends and family, thereby enlarging local networks of people that care about rivers. We identify the observed species with help of the global iNaturalist community. During an online recap session, we chat about the day with various specialists, zooming into some remarkable observations as well as discussing new ways to relate to our local river wildlife.
Just as much as we care about the biodiversity you will encounter during your Home River Bioblitz, we care about the reasons that you go out there on this day. People around the world are standing up to protect and celebrate their local rivers. These stories should be told and through several workshops, we will create the space to do so.
Check out the program to learn about the various sessions focusing on science, social and environmental justice and storytelling.